Outcomes API
API for accessing learning outcome information.
An Outcome object looks like:
{ // the ID of the outcome "id": 1, // the URL for fetching/updating the outcome. should be treated as // opaque "url": "/api/v1/outcomes/1", // the context owning the outcome. may be null for global outcomes "context_id": 1, "context_type": "Account", // title of the outcome "title": "Outcome title", // description of the outcome. omitted in the abbreviated form. "description": "Outcome description", // maximum points possible. included only if the outcome embeds a // rubric criterion. omitted in the abbreviated form. "points_possible": 5, // points necessary to demonstrate mastery outcomes. included only if // the outcome embeds a rubric criterion. omitted in the abbreviated // form. "mastery_points": 3, // possible ratings for this outcome. included only if the outcome // embeds a rubric criterion. omitted in the abbreviated form. "ratings": [ { "description": "Exceeds Expectations", "points": 5 }, { "description": "Meets Expectations", "points": 3 }, { "description": "Does Not Meet Expectations", "points": 0 } ], // whether the current user can update the outcome "can_edit": true }
Show an outcome OutcomesApiController#show
GET /api/v1/outcomes/:id
Returns the details of the outcome with the given id.
Returns a OutcomeUpdate an outcome OutcomesApiController#update
PUT /api/v1/outcomes/:id
Modify an existing outcome. Fields not provided are left as is; unrecognized fields are ignored.
If any new ratings are provided, the combination of all new ratings provided completely replace any existing embedded rubric criterion; it is not possible to tweak the ratings of the embedded rubric criterion.
A new embedded rubric criterion's mastery_points default to the maximum points in the highest rating if not specified in the mastery_points parameter. Any new ratings lacking a description are given a default of "No description". Any new ratings lacking a point value are given a default of 0.
Request Parameters:
- Optional
The new outcome title.
- Optional
The new outcome description.
- Optional, Integer
The new mastery threshold for the embedded rubric criterion.
- Optional
The description of a new rating level for the embedded rubric criterion.
- Optional, Integer
The points corresponding to a new rating level for the embedded rubric criterion.
Example Request:
curl 'http://<canvas>/api/v1/outcomes/1.json' \ -X PUT \ -F 'title=Outcome Title' \ -F 'description=Outcome description' \ -F 'mastery_points=3' \ -F 'ratings[][description]=Exceeds Expectations' \ -F 'ratings[][points]=5' \ -F 'ratings[][description]=Meets Expectations' \ -F 'ratings[][points]=3' \ -F 'ratings[][description]=Does Not Meet Expectations' \ -F 'ratings[][points]=0' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
curl 'http://<canvas>/api/v1/outcomes/1.json' \ -X PUT \ --data-binary '{ "title": "Outcome Title", "description": "Outcome description", "mastery_points": 3, "ratings": [ { "description": "Exceeds Expectations", "points": 5 }, { "description": "Meets Expectations", "points": 3 }, { "description": "Does Not Meet Expectations", "points": 0 } ] }' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"